Sundar Pichai | Sundar Pichai Biography | Pichai Sundararajan| | @CEO Google | Insane Beings

Sundar Pichai CEO of Alphabet and Google Introduction:- Sundar Pichai,  Pichai Sundararajan    in full   was born on June 10,1972 is an is an Indian-American business executive. At present he is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alphabet Inc. an it's subsidiary Google. He was born in Chennai. After completing his schooling he went to IIT Kharagpur and earned his first degree there in Metallurgical  Engineering . After this he moved to United States there he attained a degree in 'Master of Science'  commonly known as 'M.S.' from Standford University   then he attained a degree of 'M.B.A.' (Master of  Business Administration) from the Wharton School of  Pennsylvania , wh ere  he was named a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.  He started his career as a material engineer, then he joined a management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. He worked their for a short period then he joined Google in 2004, as a production manager there h...

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Sundar Pichai | Sundar Pichai Biography | Pichai Sundararajan| | @CEO Google | Insane Beings